ARTV 02: The Dance of Authenticity with Eloah Paes Ramalho

artv authentic leadership Mar 09, 2022

For the second episode of ARTV, we tapped the wonders of the internet to speak with Eloah Paes Ramalho all the way in Cape Town, South Africa.

A dancer, creator, and Authentic Relating facilitator, Eloah has been exploring the ways in which music, movement, and AR practices can weave together to bring us into a practice of what she calls Co-Loving -- a community-supported practice of loving ourselves.  


Topics Covered:

  • Creativity and flow can teach us about our authentic self
  • Dancing with life involves learning from the bumps and bruises in our relationships
  • Resting with Confusion is necessary to find Clarity

Eloah Paes Ramalho: 


Interviewed by Jason Digges.

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