All About Authentic Revolution

What's our Story? 


Our mission is to create a more connected and empathic world


Established in 2013, we are the oldest Authentic Relating company still in existence, and the only with a consistently female-led team. We popularized the field of Authentic Relating by creating the Authentic Relating Games Manual (now with over 250 games and variations by 64 contributors from around the world). Since then, we have trained over 1,000 AR facilitators, and helped found Authentic Relating and Circling communities on every continent except Antarctica. We're responsible for countless friendships, businesses, marriages, and at least a few babies.

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Meet the Team

Sara Ness

Chief Catalyst


Sara Ness is the CEO and Chief Catalyst at Authentic Revolution,  the Community Guru at the social health nonprofit Seek Healing, and an advisor to the rationalist organization Rethink Wellbeing.

When Sara was 20 years old, she created the community, trainings, and materials that catapulted Authentic Relating onto a worldwide stage. She has since influenced over 10,000 students, trained the leaders of Fortune 50 companies such as Google and Dell to be more empathetic and authentic in their work, and held extended internal trainings for Mindvalley, Rebel Wisdom, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Sara is a trained mediator with the International Mediation Campus and a trained Circler with both Circling Europe and The Integral Center. She is widely acclaimed as an expert in the fields of experience design, facilitation, and community-building.

Work with Sara

Geof Krum

Dean, Facilitation Academy


Geoffrey Hamilton Krum is an artist, producer, facilitator, entrepreneur, and none of these labels. He has managed thousands of employees and volunteers to manifest everything from festivals to juice manufacturing operations. Geof's passion is in creating beautiful, no-bullshit human-centered systems that run themselves while slowly transforming the world.

Geof prides himself in the artful coordination of passionate specialists toward common goals. He is currently Producer and Dean of Authentic Revolution's Facilitation Academy.

Work with Geof

Laura Tatar

Community Relations Coordinator

 Laura's passion is facilitating interpersonal connection and personal growth. She guides folks on their journeys to accepting more parts of themselves in favor of wholeness and authenticity.

As an artist and healer, Laura creates containers for conscious relating, inner exploration and integration, and collective healing.

Laura has always been drawn to open and truthful self-expression as a pathway to freedom. Her own commitment to radical authenticity gives her a unique ability to hold space for others' genuine experiencing.

With warmth and fearless compassion, Laura invites others to join her in choosing brave vulnerability - to relate authentically, honor their depths, and step into their fullest potential as humans.

Sarah Jack

Marketing Team Lead

Meet Sarah Jack, an integral part of Authentic Revolution's marketing team. With an extensive background in film, dance theatre and live events, Jack discovered a passion for using performance as a means of education and inspiration. Jack has a knack for social media management and copywriting and excels in crafting narratives that resonate with audiences. As an actress, choreographer and content creator, Jack's journey seamlessly blends creativity and strategy.

At Authentic Revolution, Jack plays a key role in driving marketing initiatives that not only capture attention but also spark meaningful conversations and incite change. Together with the team, Jack is dedicated to propelling Authentic Revolution's message to new heights, igniting a revolution of authenticity and empowerment.

What is Authentic Relating?


Authentic Relating (AR) is the practice of freely expressing your true experience in the company of others.


Expressing in this way enables you to create connections in the world based on who you really are.

Authentic Relating practices create a safe, intentional space - rooted in play and supported by clear boundaries - to create meaningful and enjoyable connections to self and other. By learning Authentic Relating skills, you can drop your conditioned relational habits, and learn to relate with yourself and others from a deeper more authentic expression of your truth.

This allows us to be more human with one another, in ways that often fall by the wayside in today's social norms.

The result is a life full of fulfilling and meaningful relationships.

What are AR Games?

AR Games were created to give you a playbook for how to begin relating on an authentic level.

Often communication starts and stops because we feel unsure about how to approach it, what to say, or what to ask. Turning communication into a game provides a guiding structure and set of agreements for everyone involved. This removes a lot of the stress and anxiety from connection, and adds in an inviting element of play.

AR Games (played with 2 or more people) are designed to take you from:

Surface level answers to → Sharing what’s really going on

Feeling disconnected to  Feeling a real bond

Not knowing what to say to A connected in-flow conversation

Lack of understanding to Gaining helpful insights about each other.

Example Games

What is Circling?


Circling is a transformational communication practice.


Circling has spread across 12 countries and 45 states in the past few years. It enhances self-awareness, creates connection, and teaches participants how to get their needs met AND help others thrive in the process. The practice has been developed and refined by teachers in hundreds of fields, and now, it’s available to the public.

This unique practice, which facilitates connection and self-expression. is part art form, part meditation, part group conversation, Circling has been described as “interactive intimacy”, “social intercourse”, or (my favorite), “A structured way to love the crap out of someone.”

In a circle, you’ll join a group of people to have a conversation about what’s actually happening for you, and between you, right here and now. You’ll get a visceral sense of what others feel, think, and experience around you, and develop a meditation practice for bringing your embodied self naturally out into the world.

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Join the movement

Community Finder

Join an AR Game Night in one of over 150 cities.

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AR Games Manual

Play or lead 200+ AR games for deep connection.


Facilitator Group

Get advice from AR leaders in our active FB group.

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Resource Center

Everything you need to start an AR community.

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