We teach playful tools for deep connection.

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They're called Authentic Relating (AR) Games, and they can bring more aliveness into your relationships.


Authentic Revolution powers the global AR movement by producing game manuals, online courses, and facilitation resources.

Upcoming Events

The Art of
Difficult Conversations

May 7 - June 25 — US/AS
4 June - 23 July — EU

In this 8-week course, we’ll give you tools to help you resolve some of the biggest communication questions in life.

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Authentic Facilitator

On-Demand Course

In this 15-module course, we’ll empower you to become the authentic leader you've always wanted to be.

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Fight Lab

Every Friday

In this FREE online workshop, we will simulate practical facilitation fears that arise in authentic leadership and work through them together.

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"Authentic Relating uses exercises, or games, to teach the skills necessary to quickly create deep, meaningful human connection."


5 AR Games to Play With Friends


How it works

Conversations often default to the lowest common denominator of connection — the weather, the weekend, or what you ate for lunch. A little bit of structure can turn a mundane encounter into something magical. 

Authentic Relating Games have 3 core elements:

A Facilitator

Someone who keeps things on track. 

Group Dynamics

Games are played with two or more people.


Example: "If you really knew me, you would know..."

We can help you...

Play and Lead AR Games

The Games Manual (version 8)

Authentic Relating Games are a collection of  150+ extensively tested, masterfully facilitated experiences that bring players the joy and skills of interpersonal connection. 
Learn More About the Games Manual

Learn to Lead Professionally

Authentic Facilitator Course

Become the leader we want to follow in this 15-week online facilitation academy. You will learn to design, facilitate, and grow transformational events in this highly experiential course.
Learn more about TAF

Practice Fighting Better

The Art of Difficult Conversations

This course gives you invaluable frameworks and practices to navigate difficult conversations in every area of life, and come out with stronger relationships — to others, and to yourself.
Learn more about ADC

Unlock the Secrets of Conversation

The Relating Languages

A reliable, research-supported system for breaking down communication and conversations into manageable parts.
Learn More

What our students are saying:

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Community Finder

Join an AR Game Night in one of over 150 cities.

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AR Games Manual

Play or lead 200+ AR games for deep connection.


Facilitator Group

Get advice from AR leaders in our active FB group.

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Resource Center

Everything you need to start an AR community.

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More AR Resources