We help innovative companies uplevel their connection culture.


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We help innovative companies uplevel their connection culture.


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Our social technology helps teams build trust, psychological safety, and a shared sense of purpose – without sacrificing your mission.

Past clients include...


Have a good culture. A great one, even. But something is missing. Your employees aren’t bringing their full selves to work. You don’t have access to the full range of creativity, productivity, and trust that comes from open communication.



Work with you to create a culture of psychological safety. Turn truth into trust, and conflict into connection. Make it safe for you and your team to talk about problems, and to be honest about what’s going on, personally and professionally.

We Help Teams:



Learn to receive feedback and discuss problems without defensiveness.

Communicate directly and genuinely around difficult topics.

Create a culture of learning where it feels safe to make mistakes and talk about it.



View teammates as friends and allies – not just as vehicles for getting work done.

Develop a baseline of trust that allows the team to confront challenges together.

Feel healthy, safe and fulfilled by working together on shared goals.



Better understand each other’s needs, motivations, and concerns at work.

Identify shared tools to defuse conflict and navigate crucial conversations.

Figure out each other’s working styles and what each person needs to be productive.

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Why is this important?




Skills that matter: Google’s Project Aristotle studied 180 teams over 2 years. They found that the strongest teams are emotionally intelligent, have high psychological safety, and develop a unified sense of purpose. These are skills we teach.



Employee health: When employees don’t connect with each other beyond surface-level work interactions, it can cause loneliness and burnout.
The former surgeon general reminds us that 50% of CEOs report feeling lonely, and the health impact of loneliness is similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.




The bottom line: If employees aren't connecting, it can damage job satisfaction, and lower both performance and retention.
In one study reported by Harvard Business Review, a 2.5% increase in a hotel manager's trust score could be expected to increase profitability by $250,000 per year per hotel. Trust matters.
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Get Started Now

with our Guide for Better Meetings


Ready to take your team meetings to the next level? This FREE guide provides practical strategies to foster deeper connections and increase psychological safety in every meeting. Implement these proven techniques to build a more engaged, empathetic, and productive team environment. Download our guide now and start transforming your meetings today!


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Meet Your Leadership Consultant & Culture Architect: Sara Ness 

Sara Ness is the CEO and Chief Catalyst at Authentic Revolution, Community Guru at Seek Healing, and advisor to Rethink Wellbeing. At 20, she catalyzed a global movement of human connection, influencing over 10,000 students worldwide. She has trained leaders at Google and Dell in empathy and authenticity, and conducted internal trainings for Mindvalley, Rebel Wisdom, and NOAA. Sara’s work has helped CEOs, professors, climate experts, and AI researchers connect during crises and meetings.

A trained mediator and Circling expert, Sara is renowned for her expertise in:

  • experience design
  • facilitation
  • community-building
  • online course building

Meet Your Seasoned Experience Designer & Conflict Facilitator: Geof Krum

Geof is a pioneering force in fostering a more connected and authentic human experience. As the Pioneer of Possibility at Authentic Revolution and Dean of their Facilitation Academy, he envisions a future where connection and community are central to workplaces, public spaces, and living environments. With experience in event design for SXSW and HBO, executive consultation for Google and Kellogg, and training from factory floors to National Weather Service situation rooms, Geof employs a holistic approach to social health facilitation. He is dedicated to combating loneliness by empowering social health facilitators and designers. 

Geof is renowned for his expertise in:

  • event creation and management
  • conflict resolution strategy
  • leveraging human design and emotional intelligence (EQ)

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