Leadership Videos

with Sara Ness

The Art of Leadership

Authentic, Responsive, Transparent. How do you lead without controlling, and facilitate without collapsing?

Working with Diversity and Inclusion in Groups

The conversation about inclusion almost always excludes somebody. In inclusive groups, how to we explore our differences without creating more of them? Here are some strategies!

Vulnerability in Leadership

Distinctions around vulnerability taught in the Emergent Leadership Training.

Leading Groups of any Size

What happens if you're the only leader in a group of 200 people? How that different from a group of 6, 16, or 50, and what can you do to adapt? 

Learning and Leadership

How to lead, and different ways to teach and learn, taken from the Boston Circling Training.

Power and Status in Life and Leadership

How do power and status affect how we show up in groups? How can we choose the power and status we want? A webinar to promote the Authentic Life Course.