$235.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Authentic Leadership Training Spring 2025

DATE – May 16-18, 2025
TIME – Friday 3 - 10 pm CT
Saturday 10 am - 9 pm
Sunday 10 am - 8 pm

LOCATION - Bastrop State Park (about 45 min. east of Austin, Texas)

All meals will be provided.

Included in the Base Ticket cost are:

  1. Meals and snacks
  2. A mini-course on Authentic
  3. Leadership with supplementary videos
  4. Manuals on creating Authentic Relating events, practices, and community
  5. Inclusion into the worldwide Authentic Relating facilitator community
  6. Weekly Facilitation Fight Lab and Fight Lab practice events
  7. Follow-up resources

Access our one time payment option HERE

You can choose your Housing option (Shared or Private Room) immediately after this purchase.

+$230 - Private Room
+$150 - Group Barracks